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About Me

Hi, my Name is Melissa and I'm the owner of This Day Clay Jewelry & Designs.  The name came from the scripture Psalm 118:24 which says, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." ESV.  


It all started after seeing a stunning picture of earrings on the Michael's store in my email.  To my amazement, the earrings were from clay, polymer clay to be exact!  The what and how questions popped into my head, to YouTube and Google I went.    


I now create unique one of a kind earrings for a one of a kind you!  Not all earrings are equal in size and there will be slight imperfections because they are handmade.  I hope you are excited to wear these one of a kind earrings as much as I am creating them for a one of a kind you!!


Along the journey, I've learned how to design items such as; notebooks, bags, pillows and more.  I hope you enjoy not only the jewelry I've handmade but the designs to encourage you.

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